Transportation Office: 2394 Athens Hwy., Madison, Ga 30650
Transportation Office Hours: 6:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.(Monday-Friday)
Telephone Number: (706) 752-4994
Transportation Manager: Alicia Lord
Department Secretary: Lorie Mitchell
Shop Supervisor: Joe Phillips
Mechanic: Alvin Ross
Number of School Buses: 56
Number of Routes:43
Number of Bus Drivers: 43
Number of Special Education Buses: 7 (Each Special Education bus has a monitor on board for all routes)
Transportation FAQ
Transportation Changes and Approved Addresses
How do I request a bus change?
If a student is to ride home in any way other than the usual method, please send a WRITTEN note, dated and signed by the parent/guardian, or use one of the Transportation Change Forms on the day of the change by 12:00 so that the school will have a record of the change to the student's regular schedule.
What if my child does not come home in the afternoon?
Please call your child’s school first to let the staff know your concern. The school will contact the Transportation Department, which will radio the child’s bus. Parents will then be notified by the Transportation Department.
What if I have a concern about my child’s bus driver?
Notify Alicia Lord, Transportation Manager, at 706.752.4994.
Bus Conduct
Administrative Regulation: Bus Conduct
Descriptor Code: JCDAD-R(0)
Riding a school bus in Morgan County is a privilege. In order to maintain that privilege certain standards of student conduct must be established, and students must adhere to them. The following standards of student conduct are established for safe school bus transportation:
Students MUST enter and leave the bus as school loading zones and at bus stops in an orderly manner and in accordance with loading and unloading instructions.
Students MUST remain quiet enough while riding the bus so as not to distract the driver.
Students MUST remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students who are standing because of insufficient seats must remain in place while the bus is in motion. Students will remain seated (or in place) until the bus has been brought to a full stop.
Students MAY BE directed, as appropriate, to sit three (3) to a seat if any other student is standing or sit in sufficient numbers to a seat so that no more students have to stand than is necessary.
Students MUST NOT throw objects about in the bus nor out through the bus windows.
Students MUST NOT extend arms, head, or any other parts of the body out of the bus window.
Students MUST NOT damage school bus property neither purposely nor carelessly.
Student MUST remain quiet at railroad grade crossings.
Students MUST NOT eat or drink on the bus for their own safety and the safety of others.
Students MUST occupy the seat to which they have been assigned by the bus driver or school administrator.
Students MUST NOT possess or use tobacco, alcohol, or controlled substances (illegal drugs) on the school bus or at school.
Students MUST NOT commit any acts of verbal assault or show disrespect toward the driver or any other student, or any other school employee, such as use obscene language or profane language or gestures or commit any other act that constitutes bullying [See note at end of rules list]
Students MUST NOT commit any act of physical assault toward a bus driver or any other school employee or person on a school bus or at a bus stop.
Students MUST NOT argue or fight or threaten any physical assault toward another student or any other person on the school bus or at a bus stop. [See note at end of rules list]
Students MUST NOT use any electronic devices during the operation of a school bus, including but not limited to cell phones; pagers; audible radios, tape or compact disc players without headphones; or any other electronic device that might interfere with the school bus communications equipment or the school bus driver’s operation of the school bus.
Students MUST NOT use mirrors, lasers, flash cameras or any other lights or reflective devices in a manner that might interfere with the driver’s operation of the school bus.
By Georgia law, If a student is found to have engaged in behavior defined in the student conduct code (Policy JCDA-R) as acts of physical violence or bullying toward another student or other person on a school bus, the same consequences shall apply as in any other school setting. In addition, a meeting of the parent or guardian of the student and appropriate school district officials shall be held to form a school bus behavior contract for the student. Contracts may include but shall not be limited to assigned seating, ongoing parental involvement, and suspension from riding the bus. The definition of ‘physical violence’ is included in Board of Education Policy JDCA.
Bus drivers shall instruct student bus riders on the rules and regulations and enforce proper conduct on the school bus. Drivers shall be responsible for keeping order on their bus. After attempts by the driver to correct the action with the student and at least one contact with a parent have failed, drivers shall report the misbehavior to the Director of Operations for disciplinary action.
Except under extenuating circumstances, students shall not be picked up or let off the bus except at a regular bus stop nearest their home or at the school they attend. Being picked up or let off at any other place must be approved by an official of the school they attend.
Riding a bus different from the student’s regular bus must be approved by an official of the school the student attends.
The student MUST present a note from the appropriate school official to the bus driver approving the change in bus or bus stop.
Parents are requested to help school bus drivers and school administrators to maintain the standards of student conduct shown in these regulations so that all students and driver may ride the bus safely.