Special Education Programs at Morgan County Primary School
The Morgan County School system provides special education services to all eligible students from the ages of three through their twenty-second birthday. Services are provided within the student’s general education setting as much as possible, and special education teachers, paraprofessionals, general education teachers, school and system level administrators have been trained in the collaborative, co-teaching delivery model for special education services. Related services such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, audiology, nursing, adapted transportation, adaptive physical education, and vision support are also provided.
Referrals to special education are made following an extensive process involving data-driven problem-solving and multiple tiers of specialized support at the classroom level. A parent may request an evaluation for special education services at any time; however, it is encouraged that the parent contact the school to insure that all supports have been given and are monitored on a consistent basis first.
The Morgan County School system is a past winner of the PaceSetter Award given by the Georgia Department of Education for Outstanding Services to Students with Disabilities. All categories of special education areas listed in state and federal law are offered.
For more information about the Special Education program in Morgan County, please contact Courtney Thomas at 706-752-4600 or contact her at email Courtney Thomas